To download the Registration Form, click on the above header.
1. Looking for Board Members. Think about it. The Nominating Committee will be approaching Curling Club Members to see if you can help out!
2. Wanted a Curling Club Handyman to do odd carpentry, minor eliectrical work, etc as needed! Will be credited with volunteer hours! If you are willing to help out, see Arnie Janzen
Oliver Mens Bonspiel - February 21st through February 23rd
To date 13 teams have entered. Looking for 16! Thinking of Bonspieling in Oliver, get your entries in! Volunteer signup sheets are posted! People will be canvassing for Volunteers for the next 2 weeks! Helped needed in all areas. Check the bulletin board for the sign up sheets!
Call 250 498 - 2244 and leave a message or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
BC Provincial Mixed Championship - March 26th through the 31st
Set to be held at the Oliver Curling Centre
So far there are 6 entries - 2 from Penticton. 2 entries from Oliver.
Last chance to get your volunteer hours in! Help needed in many areas. Contact the Oliver Curling Centre at
250 498 - 2244 and leave a message Attn. Marilyn Reimer or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Oliver/Osoyoos Day League Interclub Challenge Friday, January 24, 2025
The Annual Oliver/Osoyoos Challenge was held at the Osoyoos Curling Club with the Osoyoos Curling Club, for the second year in a row, capturing the Championship. Four teams from each club participated. Osoyoos took 45 of the possible 80 points while Oliver took 34 points. Nancy and John Katerenchuk hosted the event doing a splendid job again! This event alternates between the two locations and is held in early December. This year the Challenge was postponed to January due to a power outage in southwest Osoyoos which shut the Osoyoos Curling Club down for the better part of the day.
Team Osoyoos
Top Osoyoos Team - Team Giffen
Graham Giffen, Jan Carlson, Danny Barron,, Chris Nieskins with event coordinator John Katerenchuk
Osoyoos second place finisher Team Draper.
Top Oliver team - Team Casorso
Wanda Casorso, Bill Evans, Norma Burden, Fernando Anjos
Oliver second place finishers - Murray Soder, Marilyn Reimer,Arnie Janzen, and Bill Michaels
MINUTES of the OCC Special Membership meeting held Saturday, January 11th, 2025 at 3:00 pm at
the Oliver Curling Centre, chaired by Brad Dufour.
PRESENT: 37 members including Board members Brad Dufour, John Surovy, Marilyn Reimer, Rick
Reimer, and Diane Tetreault (see attached sign-in record).
The meeting was called to order at 3:01 pm. The agenda was accepted as pre-circulated as
2. FINANCIAL REPORT: Brad Dufour reviewed the report supplied by Ken Leroy.
Confidence in the information supplied was questioned, particularly the lack of expenses listed for
the period of December 2024 to March 2025. A request for complete financial statements was made,
however our treasurer is away until early February. The Board’s confidence in Russell Moore and
his recommendation to proceed with the lowest of 5 bids to Highest End Contracting was expressed.
The project is for the replacement of only the exterior roof including insulation. Concern was
expressed about mold and the possibility of asbestos in the ceiling tiles however this is a separate
matter. Given our recent experience, advancing funds to the contractor was cautioned. The
contractor can begin the project mid January and estimates one month to completion.
was MOVED BY: Dave Andrews, SECONDED BY: John Chapman to spend up to $40,000
from the operating account to install a new roof on the clubhouse portion of the building. Motion
CARRIED - Tracy Zandee wished her dissenting vote be recorded.
4.1 Amendment: After much discussion it was MOVED BY: Dave Casorso, SECONDED BY: Ernie Casorso to
amend the motion to procure a loan from Beem Credit Union of up to $40,000, changed from
$15,000, if required for unforeseen repairs. CARRIED
4.2 Notice of motion on procuring a loan from Beem Credit Union of up to $40,000 as amended, if
required for unforeseen repairs. MOVED BY: Ron Brooks, SECONDED BY: Cathy Pidduck.
Motion CARRIED – Bob Hale and Phil Anderson wished their dissenting votes be recorded.
5. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m. MOVED BY: Cathy Pidduck
SnowLady Bonspiel. 2025
The Snow Lady Bonspiel took place on Friday January 17, 2025.
8 teams took part; 2 from Oliver, 4 from Osoyoos and 2 from Penticton. Our local teams were very gracious and the following teams won cash pri
Betty Steinbart Skip, Verla Anderson Vice, Wendy Barlow Second and Jan McNarry lead from Osoyoos.
High One Game winner was from Osoyoos and consisted of Louise Watson, Judi Ross, Heather Butler and Bev Toovey.
The ladies had a wonderful time and enjoyed two Snowman games. Included are pictures of the snowman made from marshmallows and toothpicks. The tallest snowman who could stand on his own, won a prize snowman chocolate bar for each member of his team.
Submitted by Cathy Pidduck .
Stick Bonspiel - Saturday, December 7th Results
The Second Annual Stick Bonspiel is over for another year! Many volunteers from Scorers, Food Provinders including Chilli, Buns, Muffins, Desserts, Kitchen Helpers, Clean up, Registrars, Ticket Sellars, Bar Tenders, and Ice Techs made this happen! Big thanks for all the help they provided! Along with the Spiel, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held for the new Accessibilty Lift. Brad Dufour and Murray Soder, who were in charge of the new Accessibilty Expansion, along with Osoyoos Wheel Chair Curler, Chester Draper, officially opened the Lift! There were 16 teams participating - 3 from Penticton, 6 from Osoyoos, and 7 from Oliver! It was a successful Saturday for 3 Oliver Teams winning the top 3 prizes. Finishing 1st with 39 points out of a possible 51 were Marilyn and Rick Reimer! 2nd with 37 points were Bob Germyn and Blair Patterson! 3rd were Marietta and Bruce Fulcher with 35 points. Two Osoyoos teams - Nick Warner with Kip Greenlaw and Chester Draper with Brock Paton - tied for 4th with 32 points!
Ribbon Cutting for the Accessibility Lift with Murray Soder, Brad Dufour, and Chester Draper, Osoyoos Wheel Chair Curler
Presenting the awards - John Surovy, Stick League Coordinator
Ladies Welcome Back Bonspiel - held November 16 and 17
A Event sponsored by PJR Contracting - Winners
Presented by Wanda Casorso - left to right Wanda Casorso, Leas - Lynda Larson, Skip - Kitty Freeborn, Third - Suzanna Watts, and Second - Diana Johnston
B Event sponsored by Murvette Services Ltd. (Tony Murray and Sylvia Lowe) Winners
Left to right: Skip - Jenn Seminoff, Third - Michelle Brunschwiler, Second - Brittany Vierra, Lead - Jamie Higgins, Tony Murray, Sylvia Lowe
C Event sponsored by Gerard's Equipment - Winners
Presented by Wanda Casorso - Left to right Wanda Casorso, Skip - Diane Banera, Third - Betty Rycroft, Second - Cheryl Noble, and Lead - Karen D'Amato
Upcoming dates to note:
Curling ends for the 2024 Season - December 20th
Junior Tournament - February 8th, 2025
Curling Starts January 6th, 2025
Snow Ladies Bonspiel - January 17th, 2025
Men's Bonspiel - February 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, 2025
Provincial Mixed Championship - March 26th through March 30th, 2025
Wind-Up Banquet - April 12th, 2025
Garage Sale - April 26th, 2025
Wanda Casorso, Cathy Thompson, and Norma volunteered at the Points Bet International Tournament September 25th to the 29th in Calgary in the Goldline Merchandise Store. They are picture with Aryn Flowers the Goldline rep.
First Annual Curling Club Fundraiser Golf Tournament
Held Sunday, September 15th - Oliver Curling Club Golf Tournament - Scramble Format.
The Golf Tournament was a great success with 92 golfers participating! A big thankyou to the nkmip Canyon Golf Course for providing the course for our Fundraiser. Thanks to Todd Tweedy and staff for making the Tournament a great success! Also many thanks to Chairman Marilyn Reimer who organized the dinner and keeping the helpers on track. Tanks to Wanda Casorso and Faye Kelly for getting the sponsors and prizes on board Bob Hale and John Surovey for getting the registrations and teams - Thanks. Thanks to the kitchen help -Karen Keist, Sylvia Lowe, and Sandy Lederer. Pam and Bernice - the shooter girls - provided the specialty drinks throughout the day. Was really appreciated
Sponsors; Many thanks for youe support!
PJR Contracting - Paul Johnson, Gail Barriskil
Velocity Automotive Performance
Sharon Snelling - Royal LePage
Maria McCarthy
Hole in One - Rick and Pat Martin Dave and Wanda Casorso - Casorso Ranch
Kia Penticton
Nk'Mip Senior Mens Pay the Pro
Tarren Risling p Remax
Burrowing Owl - Major Sponsor
Rod and Bev Buffalo
Canter Winery
Gneiss Winery
Artus Bottling
Bob Hale
Gord Reid
Hester Creek Winery Mike and Faye Kelly
Wards in the Wine Village
Peter Barnes and Janice Blocka
Building Expansion Update
The Oliver Curling Centre expansion has pretty much been completed! The elevator is in and operational. The wheel chair accessible washrooms are complete and operational. The siding has been installed except fot the door covering where the Fire Exit was!
OCC Life Member Receives Spirit of Oliver Community Builder Award
Honorary Life Member Inducted
Oliver Curling Club's first League Champions
From Left to Right: Bill Collens - second, Charlton McNaughton - lead, Dick Goodall - Skip, John Chapman - third
50 Years of Curling in Oliver
1968 to 1970
The idea of building a curling rink in Oliver began in 1968. Many of curlers who had been participating in their favourite sport for many years in Osoyoos and Summerland felt Oliver had grown enough to have a club of their own." width="500" height="406" /> A committee was formed to explore the feasibility of such an idea. The initial Society was comprised of the following members: President: Eric Bastian Vice-President: Dick Goodall Secretary: Stu Mould Treasurer: Dave Francis Directors: Fred Fritz, Bill Andrews, Roy Becker; Mel Skaros, John Fritz, Ray Anderson, Blaine Francis, John Loudon, Dick Topping, Joe Fefchak , Willie Nunweiler, Bob Wheeler, Ewart Bowering and others were early supporters. Shopkeeper Sam Noel purchased first debenture.
Initially the club attempted to come to an agreement with a Elks Lodge to construct a multi-purpose facility. An agreement could not be reached and the group decided to raise funds in the community. Members who could not afford a debenture bought memberships for $100. Members who could not afford this were able to pay $10 monthly on instalments. The proposal was to build a four-sheet rink that would be located adjacent to the planned skating arena. By 1969, the Committee had sold $52,000 in debentures and $22,000 in memberships, and negotiated a bank loan for $5,000. A decision was made to proceed with the planning of the building. On April 7th, 1970 a Special Meeting was held to consider the proposed plans for the four-sheet curling rink. The proposal was approved. Construction began 2 months later on June 5th under the supervision of Seidler Construction.
On June 4th, construction began with an estimated cost for the facility of $84,000. Volunteer hours totalled 10,000. Work parties began at 6:00 pm on weekdays and on weekends. The men did the general labour work and the women took on the entire job of painting the club. Not one dollar of Public tax money was used to build or maintain the building. The rink does stands on Town property. The building contractor for the project was Bill Seidler. By August, construction was well underway and the completion date was set for September. The first ice maker hired was A.J. “Pat” Patterson, a retired Air Force Army Veteran. Pat was an enthusiastic curler and had coached at the junior and high school levels. In September, the refrigeration equipment was installed. Rocks were ordered from Scotland and were to be shipped.
The ice sheets were bare bones grey concrete block walls and an open ceiling of truss rafters. In one place on the north side, daylight could be seen through cracks in the block wall. While this had not been planned, it allowed the smoke that was vented from the lodge to escape outside (smoking still being permitted). The bleachers that are still currently used were donated by the Penticton Granite Curling Club. It was said that the curling club was built because Eric Bastian didn’t know it was impossible.
In October Eric Bastian was elected First President along with a slate of officers of the Curling Club. Helen Bastian was elected as the First President of the Ladies Club. (FYI -the Bastiens are the parents of Joyce Kuzyk and Joan Firman). The Ladies Club ran the concession for the club. A portion of the profits from the concession went to operating expenses. On October 15th, the first ice was put in the curling rink. By [November], the Curling Club was in full swing.
November 1970 saw the official ribbon-cutting ceremony held with many dignitaries from neighbouring clubs in attendance. This was the kick-off to the first Mixed Bonspiel with 40 teams in attendance from the Okanagan and Boundary Regions and as far away as Revelstoke, Trail and the Coast. This had been preceded 2 weeks earlier by the first Club Mixed Bonspiel that hosted 32 teams composed of club members. The entry fee was set at $10 per rink. The “A” team winners appropriately were the Bastien Team with President Eric Bastien, which included his wife Helen with Charlie and Phyllis Miller.
During the balance of the curling season, several well-attended bonspiels were held, including the Kinsman, the first Men’s Open, and the first Ladies’ Open. Of note, the club’s first 8-ender was achieved during the Men’s Night League by the Bob Armstrong team, which included John Rotheisler, Dave Nicholas and Ted Mickolas.
From 1970 to 1975, the club was doing so well that Awards Night was held in the Legion Hall. The club lacked the space and had insufficient chairs and tables.
In 1975, four 1000-watt heaters were installed in the corners of the ice shed, to the delight of all members, who had been grumbling about the cold.
When the new curling season started in 1976, curlers were greeted by newly redecorated upstairs and downstairs lounges. Boards around the ice had been painted by the ladies. The upstairs lounge area had been redecorated to improve acoustics and ventilation. The walls were finished in cedar siding and the ceiling was finished in cork tiles. The President at the time, Murray Soder, reported that the work had been carried out by club members on a volunteer basis. In the same year, club member Dick Topping was inducted into the Canadian Curling Hall of Fame for his involvement and dedication in running the Canadian School Boy Curling Championships.
The Day League that is so popular with members today began in 1977. The avid curlers in the Oliver Club wrapped up the club’s seventh year of operations with a steak dinner and awards night in their newly renovated upstairs lounge.
A new ceiling was put over the ice surface in 1981 resulting in better lighting and noise reduction. Corn brooms could be very loud.
1980 – 1990
The two most significant things to happen were the insulation (1980) and subsequent painting (1984) of the ice shed ceiling with fire retardant paint. Previously the ceiling was just truss rafters with nothing in them. Volunteer club members rolled scaffolding on plywood sheets over the sand floor with a crew of volunteers working to install the ceiling. A Gyproc firewall was installed between the lounge area and the ice surface area. It took almost a month for volunteers working evenings and weekends to complete the job. In 1981, volunteers installed insulation on the walls of the ice shed immediately after the curling season ended. Neil Seidler of Seidler Construction was then hired to install the present panelling (over the insulation) that is on the walls. A year later, volunteers from the club painted the panelling
The club’s second eight ender was scored by June James, Leonie Soder, Ida Szmata and Jackie Kilgour .
In 1985 the Jodie Sutton team, Julie Sutton, Dawn Rubner and Tammy Hagel won the Provincial High School Girls Championship. They then went on to win the Canadian Junior Womens Championship.
Jodie Sutton repeated winning the Provincial High School Girls Championship in 1986 with Julie Sutton, Teresa Zeibart and Michelle Surovy. The same year, Jodie Sutton also won the Provincial Junior Ladies Championship with Julie Sutton, Dawn Rubner and Chris Thompson following it up with winning the Canadian Junior Womens Championship.
The Provincial Senior Ladies Championship was won by Pearl Quintal and her team comprised of Mary Skaros, Leonie Soder and June James.
In 1987 the Junior Girls Provincial Championships again was won by Julie Sutton and her team of Judy Wood, Susan Auty, and Marla Geiger. They went on to win the Canadian Junior Womens Championship.
The 1st World Junior Womens Championship was won by Julie Sutton, Judy Wood, Susan Auty, and Marla Geiger.
Scott Tournament of Hearts won by Julie Sutton, Pat Sanders, Georgina Hawkes, Melissa Soligo
Senior Men’s Zone was won by George Hagel, Bob Bourgeault, Murray Soder, Doug Weeks.
1970 through 2022
The new millennium brought the latest building upgrades that enabled the club to cement and enlarge the ice surface. International-sized ice could allow the facility to be used for practice sites for Olympians coming to B.C. The building and downstairs washrooms became wheelchair accessible. The Town of Oliver allowed the club to have summer rental in the downstairs area for the children’s Sun Fun group organized by the Parks and Rec. This helped with the club’s maintenance costs.
Improvements to the club cost $150,000 in cash and $150,000 in sweat equity by the hard-working members. Over 50 years, it is estimated that approximately 20,000 men and ladies from all parts of the Interior and the Coast were entertained by participating in our Men’s, Ladies and Mixed Bonspiels. In addition, for more than 20 years, the Knights of Columbus, Kinsmen, Legion and Heart and Stroke organizations had annual bonspiels that entertained an additional 5,000-plus curlers. BC Tel and West Kootenay Power also had their weekend bonspiel at our club for many years. The club has provided an estimated 10,000 person years of winter recreation through our club leagues during the regular season. We are immensely proud of our facility and also very thankful to all of the volunteers who have stepped up and willingly gave of their expertise and time to keep the club going year after year. A big thank you to all!
Story contributed by Johanne Smith published as 50 Years of Curling in Oliver. Published and edited by John Surovy