• 250-498-2244
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Curlers who want to spare

If you can't commit to regular league play, there are still lots of opportunities to curl as a spare:
  • Please complete a registration form (mark SPARE on it) and indicate the league(s) you wish to spare in as well as any required waivers.
  • You only need to pay when you play: $10/game — or $5/game for Stick League only.
  • The spares fee box is by the league schedules on the bulletin boards. Put your fee in an envelope and write your name, league and date on the envelope.
  • If you have not curled in Oliver before, you can spare in your first two games for free.

For curlers who have already registered and paid to play in a league, you can spare in that or any other league at no cost


Curlers looking for a spare

If you need someone to spare for you, please try to get a spare among the curlers who (a) have a bye in your league or (b) are playing in another league (on a team or on the spares list).

Lists of teams and spares (with phone numbers) are posted on the bulletin boards near the league schedules.

Our website also has a function that lets you find a spare quickly in any league: 

  1. Sign in to the website. There are Curler Login boxes on every webpage.
  2. Go to "Member's Home" at the top of the page, then down to "League Information". 
  3. Click on "Find a Spare".
  4. Choose the league you need a spare for.
  5. It will show you who has signed up as a spare and how to get in touch with them (you can either call them or email them via the website).

The website spare lists reflect live information based on curlers' sparing availability that they have selected online. So check this area each time you need a spare as it is constantly changing.

Curler Login

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Upcoming Events

08 Feb 2025;
08:00AM -
Junior Bonspiel
10 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Vernon Senior Ladies
21 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Salmon Arm Ladies
21 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Kamloops Mixed
21 Feb 2025;
05:00PM - 05:00PM
Men's Bonspiel
22 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Penticton Stick Spiel
06 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Kamloops Men's
14 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Penticton Western Mixed
26 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Provincial Mixed Championship
28 Mar 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Vernon Mixed

Our Location

735 McKinney Road
Oliver, BC
V0H 1T3

Contact Us

Phone: 250-498-2244

Email: [email protected]

Follow Us
